Dear GC-SARA members and subscribers,
We would be very grateful for your assistance with our upcoming events on September 20th, 3pm Atlantic time, and November, *date & time TBD* . We are seeking volunteers to act as “discussants” or Chairs in our live Q&A sessions for these events, entitled “New Voices in Decolonial Student Mobility - Dialogues between emerging and established scholars”, Parts I and II.
Visit our Sign Up Sheets: September event & November event now and read the abstracts.
If you are willing to act as discussant, simply type your name in column F, we’ll be in touch.
Feel free to contact the presenter using the email given before the live Q&A.
Watch the presenter’s prior fifteen-minute video submission on their work. For the live Q&A on September 20th, the videos will be uploaded for all event attendees by September 13th. For the November event,…