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Past Events: 2022

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What is the study abroad context? In which ways is study abroad a site for contestation and problematization? How can we reimagine the study abroad context as a field of research and praxis? How do understandings of the study abroad context interrelate with matters of geopolitics, ethnonationalism, post-/neo-/de-colonialism, classroom and educational cultures, the cultural capital of residency, class, intersectionality, academic terminology, and so forth? Presenters submitted a pre-recorded video, then attended a live Q&A; see all content here


We were delighted to welcome three presenters to our first event in two Q&A sessions: 

Q&A 1

Internationalisation and Decolonisation, Dr. Omolabake [Labake] Fakunle, University of Edinburgh


Q&A 2

  1. Translanguaging in Twi, Swahili, and English: Multilingual Ghanaian Identities in Tanzania, Dr. Jamie Thomas, Santa Monica College

  2. Contesting Study Abroad Programmes, Magda Madany-Saa, Pennsylvania State University


We encourage to you to Join the Collective to see full videos from the event hosted by Dr. Ian Craig.   

GC-SARA is dedicated to bringing together student-mobility focused researchers and administrators, from across institutional and geographic contexts. Building from recent publications on the role of scholar-practitioners in the field of education abroad, this facilitated dialogue, featuring practitioners and scholar-practitioners from the U.S., Costa Rica, and Barbados, will help continue to surface challenges and opportunities embedded in working across various institutional roles (faculty, staff, admin, others) in a variety of institutional contexts globally.



Julie Ficarra, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of the Practice, Global Development, Cornell University

Santiago Castiello-Gutiérrez, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor, Seton Hall University

Dialogue Participants:

Verónica Castro Ramírez | International Promotion & Engagement, Universidad Creativa

Patricia Atherley | Senior Assistant Registrar/Director, Student Enrolment and Retention Unit (SERU), Cave Hill Campus, University of the West Indies, Barbados

Louis Berends, Ph.D. | Vice President of Academic Affairs, CEA Study Abroad

Dr. Hillary Vance | Assistant Vice President - Southeast & South Asian Affairs of the University of Arizona


We encourage to you to Join the Collective to see the full video from the event.

In this event, early-career scholars will share their developing projects with the GC-SARA family in a spirit of mutual enrichment. Our presenters will engage with contexts in Asia, Africa and the Americas, locating their work in a wide range of conceptual and theoretical frameworks to include: genre and rights theories applied to refugees, based on research in Malawi and Rwanda; institutional logics theory applied to internationalization in Taiwan; the concept of the public good as understood by prospective study abroad students in the United States. 


Presenters and Discussants:

  • Andrea Paolini, Graduate Student at the University of Pittsburgh with Dr. Lisa Unangst, Assistant Professor at SUNY Empire State College

  • Yi-Hsuan Irene Huang, Doctoral Researcher at the School of Education, University of Bristol with discussant: Dr. Ian Craig, Senior Lecturer in Spanish at the University of West Indies, Barbados

  • Sara Bularzik, Doctoral Candidate at the University of Denver with discussant: Dr. Jean-Blaise Samou, Associate Professor at Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

We encourage to you to Join the Collective to see the full video from the event.

In this two-part event, our last of the calendar year, we continue our series in which early-career scholars share their emerging work with the GC-SARA family. We are pleased to offer presentations that explore relatively under-researched home-host pairings: Middle Eastern students in Germany and African students in China. We will also engage with work on Global Citizenship Education in the context of Chinese higher education and internationalization as a discourse that shapes the self-perception of international students in Canada. ​


Presenters and Discussants:

  • Hongni Gou, Ph.D. candidate, Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Program (SLAT); Graduate Assistant Director, International Foundations Writing (UA IFW), University of Arizona with Dr. Yi Wang, Lecturer, Department of Asian & Asian American Studies, Stony Brook University (New York)

  • Richard Feddersen, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Alberta with Dr. Khaled Al Masaeed, Associate Professor of Arabic Studies and Second Language Acquisition and Coordinator of Arabic Studies at Carnegie Mellon University

We encourage to you to Join the Collective to see the full video from the event.

In this two-part event, our last of the calendar year, we continue our series in which early-career scholars share their emerging work with the GC-SARA family. We are pleased to offer presentations that explore relatively under-researched home-host pairings: Middle Eastern students in Germany and African students in China. We will also engage with work on Global Citizenship Education in the context of Chinese higher education and internationalization as a discourse that shapes the self-perception of international students in Canada. ​


Presenters and Discussants:

  • Yaqiao Liu, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Manchester (UK) with Dr. Jean-Blaise Samou, Associate Professor at Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

  • Ezgi Ozyonum, Ph.D. Candidate at Concordia University (Montreal) with Dr. Amelia Dietrich, Senior Director for Research and Publications at The Forum on Education Abroad and Managing Editor of Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. 

We encourage to you to Join the Collective to see the full video from the event.

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