Welcome to Discussions! This interactive space is dedicated to study abroad and international education participants, administrators, researchers, and other stakeholders who wish to discuss experiences, practice, and critical issues related to the aims of GC-SARA, as well as those interested in building or contributing to projects.
We encourage kind and constructive discussion and information exchange. Please be polite, respectful, and collegial and refrain from incivility, defamation, or offensiveness.
There are four main discussion areas:

Study Abroad Participant Blogs: Read about and engage with study abroad students either currently or recently abroad. Each student offers a unique perspective, one that is not necessarily heard in existing scholarship. ​
Please remember that the bloggers are active study abroad participants. Please provide constructive comments and focus on the student and their interpretations of their experiences. We encourage interactions that are supportive and mentoring, especially if you have direct experience of the same kind of issue or experience that the student is encountering.

Equitable Practice in Study Abroad/International Education Administration and Research: Ask questions about or offer answers to practical matters related to developing, administering, evaluating, and researching programs guided by equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization, and social justice.

Critical Inquiry in Study Abroad Research and Administration: Discuss and help others discuss critical theoretical issues about study abroad and international education.

Bibliography: Suggestions for inclusion in the GC-SARA Bibliography of Decolonial Study Abroad Research.

Working Focus Groups is where you can create or join a working group. These are subcommunities within GC-SARA for members who have common interests and/or wish to pursue a shared project or projects. Feel free to create your own group and invite other members (please check through first to avoid duplication).
Please note: With the exception of a read-only version of the Participant Blogs, the Discussion Area is only available to members. If you'd like to Join the Collective, please click here.