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Resources and Links

Critical Internationalization Studies Network and YouTube Channel

Description: "The Critical Internationalization Studies Network brings together scholars, practitioners, educators, students, and community organizations interested in reimagining dominant patterns of relationship, representation, and resource distribution in the internationalization of education."


Critical Internationalization Studies Network YouTube Channel

Description: "The Critical Internationalization Studies Network brings together scholars, practitioners, educators, students, and community organizations interested in reimagining dominant patterns of relationship, representation, and resource distribution in the internationalization of education."


EKTA Podcast Series

Description: "Ekta is a Sanskrit word meaning unity, solidarity, and togetherness. In that spirit, the Ekta podcast is a space for students to share how they learn differently, and how we can learn differently together. Hosted by Victoria Surtees, TLC’s internationalization specialist, the Ekta podcast features UFV students from different programs and cultural backgrounds, including Indigenous students and international students from India, Vietnam and more. Join us in solidarity, as they provide practical advice for instructors and staff, and as they share their incredibly honest and humbling stories about what has made them feel powerful and powerless during their learning journeys."



Description: A new platform for collaboration, publication, and resource sharing in the field. Including publishing opportunities, an Early Career Fellowship Program with a $500 fellowship award attached, and the GlobalEd Lab - virtual spaces for collaboration and resource creation.


International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies

Description: "The founders of the IAACS do not dream of a worldwide field of curriculum studies mirroring the standardization and uniformity the larger phenomenon of globalization threatens. Nor are we unaware of the dangers of narrow nationalisms. Our hope, in establishing this organization, is to provide support for scholarly conversations within and across national and regional borders about the content, context, and process of education, the organizational and intellectual center of which is the curriculum."


Language Learning in Study Abroad

Description: "The “INTclass” website is a multimedia science tool for the promotion of three main foreign language learning contexts: study abroad (SA), immersion (IM) and formal instruction (FI). It [...] provides information, advice and self-training activities for teachers, learners and institutions who want to make the most out of language learning and cultural development."


Scholar-Practitioner Resources Hub (NAFSA)

Description: "This “one-stop-shop” is designed to support graduate students and young professionals with resources related to conducting research, opportunities for professional development, as well as networking in the field of international higher education."


The Caribbean Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (CAACS)

Description: "A forum for scholarly presentations and conferences, discussions, promotions and publications of Caribbean Curriculum works. These will include Caribbean epistemologies, cultural-contextual understandings of curriculum and curriculum products within the global context of the internationalization of Curriculum Studies."


The Forum on Education Abroad

Description: "The Forum’s mission is to cultivate educators who champion high quality education abroad experiences that ignite curiosity, impact lives, and contribute to a better world."


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